The head of the Catholic church has a low-key approach to happiness
In the Argentine magazine Viva, Pope Francis recently outlined a ten pieces of advice for happiness:
“”Viví y deja vivir”, “darse a los demás”, “moverse remansadamente”, “jugar con los chicos”, “compartir los domingos con la familia”, “ayudar a los jóvenes a conseguir empleo”, “cuidar la naturaleza”, “olvidarse rápido de lo negativo”, “respetar al que piensa distinto”, y “buscar activamente la paz” son, según Francisco, las conductas que condensan la fórmula de la felicidad, según consta en la entrevista firmada ayer por el periodista Pablo Calvo.”
Vox reports that the list was released to celebrate Francis’ first 500 days in office. This stemmed from a 77-minute conversation.
1) “Viví y deja vivir” / Live and let live
2) “darse a los demás” / Be giving of yourself to others
3) “moverse remansadamente” / Move quietly
4) “jugar con los chicos” / Play with the kids (literally translated), or have a healthy sense of leisure
From his book Pope Francis: His Life is His Words: “people who work must take the time to relax, to be with their families, to enjoy themselves, read, listen to music, play a sport.”
5) “compartir los domingos con la familia” / “Share Sundays with family”
6) “ayudar a los jóvenes a conseguir empleo” / Help young people find jobs
Work gives people dignity.
7) “cuidar la naturaleza” / Take care of or respect nature
8) “olvidarse rápido de lo negativo” / Quick forget the negative
9) “respetar al que piensa distinto” / Respect those who think differently
10) “buscar activamente la paz” / Actively seek peace
Image: Some rights reserved by Moyan Brenn