Silly, Harmless April Fool’s Day Pranks

Get a giggle with these happiness-boosting pranks

April Fool’s Day is today! We love a good prank as much as the next kid, but we also want to make sure you keep everyone happy with your pranks. So please, follow the golden rules of harmless pranking: keep it simple, keep it short, and keep it funny for everyone involved. Moments of feeling silly will result in peals of laughter; hours of trickery will result in hurt feelings. 
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, here are five simple, harmless April Fool’s pranks you can institute RIGHT NOW, even if you don’t read this until April Fool’s is almost over—or it’s November and you’re just involved in a prank war. We’d love your suggestions in the comments!
The Disappearing Desktop Prank
The tech-savvy among us might have seen this before, but odds are you know someone who this will completely foil. Take a screenshot of the desktop on your victim’s computer. Change the computer settings to hide all the desktop icons; set the screenshot as the computer background. Why isn’t anything working?!?!
NEXT LEVEL: A fake Blue Screen of Death Desktop. Follow the same steps as above, but instead of a screen shot, set it as this (link to download BSOD)
The NP Prank: “Not My Project!”
Did you know that nail polish will dry out when left alone on wax paper? Open a bottle (the color is so out; your girlfriend doesn’t want it) and lay it sideways on a sheet of wax paper so that the contents pour out into a puddle. When dry, it’ll easily peel off the wax paper and you can place the whole thing—bottle and “spill”—on that project your victim just spent the last three days on … “No … Not my project!”
The Most Classic Prank
Put a rubber band over the sink spray handle. The victim will go to use the sink and get blasted with water instead. Know your victim on this one—if she is an hour-a-day makeup person, please do not do this to her.
The People Surprise Prank
Go around the office and tell random people that a particular person (your victim) wanted them to drop by around 11am. Imagine their surprise when a large number of people drop in to their cubicle at the same time!

The No-Prank Prank
All day long drop subtle hints or leave sticky notes warning someone of an oncoming prank. Then never go through with any prank at all. They’ll be paranoid the whole day and you’ll be laughing along! But please tell them afterward.

Category: Style
