Here’s a list of things I worry about
By Robyn Whyte, who writes at Robyn Writes.
I wonder…
Here is a list of things I worry about: my health, my finances, my mom, my children, my thinning hair, my memory, world events, Texas government, health insurance, wars, our dysfunctional federal government, civil rights for all, the environment, disasters, religious fundamentalism, blah blah quack quack.
Some of these things I worry about more than the others. My worry often takes the form of an urgent voice in my head that asks, “What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? How can I fix this?” The implication is, “it’s up to me, it’s up to me, it’s up to me!” Wears me out.
Lately I’ve latched on to a new approach that I find more productive. And, ironically, it is also more relaxing.
Instead of worrying about what is going to happen, and what I should do to make things happen the way I think they should, I am practicing curiosity instead. It goes something like this:
Every one of us has built into our Being a loving, wise presence, a Voice of Loving Kindness that knows how to solve all kinds of dilemmas. Curiosity invites me to turn to that Presence and say, “now what? I always get such a kick watching how you transform problems!”
How it feels to ask, “what am I going to do about this?” is very different from “I wonder what I’m going to do about this? I wonder what creative solutions are going to pop into my head, and when? I wonder who is going to show up to help me? This is all such a mystery!”
Worrying is always non-productive. Curiosity opens doors, windows, peepholes, and kernels, and allows for nuggets, flashes, hunches, nudges, and awarenesses to reveal themselves to me.
I wonder what people will think of this?
Image: Some rights reserved by spaceodissey