Developing Your Intuition – Part 3

Is It My Intuition or Me Just Making Stuff Up?

by Jayne Clark, who works intuitively with clients to help them resolve issues regarding relationships, loss, grief, health, and career path. To learn more, head to

For Developing Your Intuition – Part 1, click here. | For Part 2, click here.|For Part 4, click here.

How do we know if the information we are getting is our intuition or us making stuff up? To have confidence in our intuition, we must first have a strong foundation in the way we think and feel about our intuition. The following are pillars to having a solid foundation.

#1: How We Receive Information

Intuitive information comes to us in ways other than education, research, facts, statistics, science etc. For some of us, that can be very difficult to accept because intuitive guidance is something we can’t learn. We just know it. We can learn how to develop and understand our intuition and how it uniquely works for us. But the information and insight itself can’t be learned, it is received.

The intuitive mind is abstract like energy. We have to train ourselves to be comfortable with the world of energy and learn how to relate to it from an internal place within ourselves.

The difference between learning something and knowing something is where the information comes from. When we learn something, information comes to us from the outside to the inside. This is very useful when we seek to further our skills in our profession, hobbies, and other recreational interests.

To know something, i.e. our unique truth, perceptions, and approach to life, comes to us from the inside out. This is where we develop our character, moral compass, and who we know ourselves to be. Our knowing / intuition gives us the inner strength and courage to express our true nature.

#2 Everybody is Intuitive

Everybody is intuitive—you, me, our neighbors, employers, family members, and even our pets. The question is: are we developing and working with it? To be intuitive or psychic simply means that we recognize an aspect of our being that is connected to all minds—yours, mine, the masses, and the divine mind. This aspect can access useful information and insight about ourselves and the world we live in.

If we think that some people are gifted with intuition and others are not, then we really don’t understand what intuition is. It is a part of us just like our conscious and sub-conscious mind. Every person has both and every person has an intuitive mind. We could even say an intuitive gut because most of us receive a lot of information in that part of our bodies.

I also want to point out a “Mother’s Intuition”. A mother doesn’t have to develop that. If we want to refer to intuition as a gift, that would be it. But for the rest of us, it’s simply a part of who we are and it must be developed over time in order for it to be that powerful in our lives.

Just watch a mother in action after receiving a feeling that her child is in danger. The doubt concerning if she is being intuitive or just making stuff up never enters her mind. She will knock over tables, tear down walls, or bust down a door to get to her child. She doesn’t stop to make sure what she is feeling is validated in her baby books and she could care less of where the feelings are coming from. All she knows is that her child is in danger and she must act immediately.

You and I can get to the same sensitivity level with our intuitive mind. But we must perceive and think of ourselves as intuitive. When we do, we will have the patience and consciousness to know if whether or not we are being intuitive or making stuff up.

#3 Trust

Trust is fundamental in every part of our lives. The most important thing to understand about trust is that it has nothing to do with anyone or anything outside of us. Trust is an inside job. It is something that has to be cultivated and nurtured.

The only way to develop trusting our intuition is to take action. How many times do we receive a hunch to call someone, book a trip, make a career move or have that heart to heart conversation and WE DON’T DO IT? And then we don’t understand why we feel so stuck, stagnant, and confused.

We won’t really know if we are making stuff up or if it’s authentic guidance if we never act upon what we think our intuition is saying. The greatest gift my intuitive mentor and teacher ever gave to me was the permission to be wrong. She actually encouraged being wrong. “You won’t know when you are accurate if you don’t know when you are inaccurate. Both are equally important”, she would say.

Sometimes we just have to trust what we get without understanding, explanation or why we get the information that we do. That takes discipline because we are creatures that think we need to know everything before we do anything.

It doesn’t work like that with intuition. It’s like a pilot that flies by their instrument panel. They don’t look out the window the way we look out our car windshield. They strictly fly by instruments.

So it is with us. We must resist the temptation to look outside of ourselves to navigate the course of our journey. It’s all inside. The better we get at looking for answers where answers can truly be found, the more we will trust ourselves and the guidance we receive.

Image: Some rights reserved by diveofficer

Category: Psych
