8 Steps to Perfect DIY Eyebrows

Defined brows are a necessity for both men and women

by Lyssa Myska Allen, co-founder of DailyHap.com and former beauty editor (sometimes, she just can’t help it).

Recently, and friend and I were watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy (RIP). The guy in question had his unibrow waxed, and out of all the changes to his wardrobe, face, and even house, the first thing his wife commented on was his eyebrows. 
I tell this story because women are pretty aware of how important brows are, but dudes are less aware. But awareness doesn’t mean most of us are comfortable shaping our own eyebrows. Luckily, beautypress let us in on their step-by-step secrets to perfect brows. Read on.

The key to great eyebrows is proportion. If you have big features like big eyes, a slightly larger nose, and dark hair coloring you would look best with strong eyebrows to match your features. If you have small eyes, small features then stick with thinner more refined eyebrows to proportionate your face. 
First, Eyebrow Shaping Based on Face Shape.
If your face shape is round:

DO: Enhance the natural angles in your brow and maximize the peak of your arch.
DON’T: Shape your brow into a rounded arch, it will just follow the shape of your face- making your face look even rounder. 

If your face shape is square:

DO: Try an angular brow with a well-defined arch. High archs draw attention up and away from your jar.
DON’T: shape your brows into a soft, round shape. Square faces need strength in order to balance the face. 

If your face shape is oval:

DO: Opt for a strong, defined brow to complement the shape of your face.
DON’T: Try a flat, thin brow. (It will make your face appear longer.) 

If your face shape is heart:

DO: Shape your brow into a softer arch. (It will soften the point of your chin.)
DON’T: Go with a straight, flat brow. (It will weight your whole face down and make your forehead look even wider.)

Here’s a Step-by-Step Guide on How to Shape Your Eyebrows:
1) You will need a clean unused mascara wand or eyebrow brush to comb your brow hairs. Comb them straight up. The hairs that overextend the eyebrow shape need to be trimmed.

2) Take a small pair of scissors and trim the unruly hairs out of the way. Use the mascara wand to again brush down your eyebrow to its natural shape. 

3) To measure how to position your eyebrow, there’s an age-old trick you can do at home and all you need is a pencil. Hold the pencil on the outer edge of your nose and straighten the pencil so it stands vertically directly over your inner brow. Where the pencil meets your brow is where your eyebrow should start. 

4) Then move the tip of the pencil that’s on your eyebrow in an angle. Once the pencil hits the highest point of your eyebrow that’s where your arch should be positioned. 

5) Align the pencil to the outer edge of your nose and to the outer corner of your eye. Where the pencil lands on your eyebrow is there your brow should end. 

6) You could even purchase eyebrow stencils available from a variety of retailers to help perfect your shape by aligning the stencil to the points on your eyebrow you have just measured out with the pencil. Fill in your eyebrow with eyebrow powder. Remove the stencil and the uncolored part of the brow is what should be plucked away. 

7) Use tweezers to tweeze away any sparse hairs from the brow. (Fellas, this is where you attach the middle = unibrow)

8) Brush your brows again with the clean mascara wand to make sure you are happy with your brow shape. 

Image: beautypress.com

Category: Style
